Antonios Tsokaros

I am a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a Faculty Fellow at the National Center of Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and a Senior Researcher at the Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics in the Academy of Athens, Greece.
My research interests lie in the general theory of relativity and the theory of compact objects. I use supercomputers to study the physics of neutron stars, black holes, the generation of gravitational waves, or gravitational collapse, to name a few topics. In the era of multi-messenger astronomy, self-gravitating systems such as triaxial neutron stars or binary neutron stars provide a unique laboratory whose combined emission of gravitational, electromagnetic waves, and possibly neutrinos offers a unique probe to understand strong-field gravitation, the physics of compact objects and cosmology as a whole.
Undergraduate and graduate students interested in numerical relativity and computational astrophysics are encouraged to contact me to discuss about potential research problems.
$$\textbf{Funding for PhD positions is currently available}$$